KindEthics – Viki Kind

The Human Side of Ethics in HealthcareKind Ethics - The Human Side of Ethics in Healthcare

Whether it’s empowering caregivers, giving voice to those who need protecting, or resolving conflicts peacefully, Viki Kind, M.A., helps people find the courage to do the right thing , which helps produce peace of mind. Viki is her name, “Kind.” Her website at and her blog there will provide you practical help and solutions for the situations you are facing.

Viki Kind is a clinical bioethicist, professional speaker and hospice volunteer. She is also the author of the award winning book, The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making – Making Choices for Those Who Can’t, which guides families and professionals who are making the decisions for those with dementia, brain injuries and other cognitive impairments. Viki has unique tools and strategies that provide a structure and process for making the difficult life, health and end-of-life decisions for those with varying degrees of capacity.

A Servant’s Heart Web Design and Marketing has the privilege of providing website management and maintenance services for  We were invited to help when her website’s former creator and consultant was injured and could no longer help update, maintain and manage the website and the site’s technical foundation had become very outdated and parts of the site had stopped working for more than a year.  After A Servant’s Heart updated the site and restored it to proper working order, Viki later reported, “I have had so many more contacts since you fixed the site. It makes me wonder how much work I missed last year.”


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