Online Reviews Management

Online Reviews and Reputation Management

Reputation Management - A Servant's Heart Web Design and MarketingOnline Reviews are what others say about your company online. Online Reviews Management and Marketing (“ORMM”) is the process of encouraging and promoting the placement of favorable reviews while also responding to and, sometimes, achieving the removal of unfavorable reviews.

ORMM is critically important to:

  1. Your ranking in SERPs
  2. The likelihood that searchers will click through to your website from SERPs

Reviews about your company on the “official” review sites are especially important in this regard.  The most important review sites for elder care and home care SEO are Google, Yelp and Facebook:

  • When searchers are viewing SERPs, these are the most important, because a summary of the reviews is visible in the SERPs, and human nature is such that searchers are drawn to results with the highest number of positive reviews:
    • Google reviews: appear in local search results as well as organic search results.
    • Yelp reviews: appear in organic search results.
    • There is some evidence that Google will rank companies with higher numbers of favorable reviews more highly than those without, or those with significant numbers of unfavorable reviews.
  • Facebook reviews do not appear in SERPs.  However, Facebook is likely to be visited by the primary target audience for elder care SEO, the adult children of elderly prospective clients.  For that reason, Facebook reviews are also very important.

Other industry-specific review sites may also matter, such as and others.  However, the public is slowly coming to understand that on those pay-to-play sites, reviews are more of a form of paid advertising than they are legitimate, reliable reviews.

Ways In Which Online Reviews Matter and How We Help Clients Obtain More Of Them