Choosing Keywords for Home Care Websites

3 Tips for Choosing the Best KeywordsHow to Choose a Keyword for your Home Care Site

When building your home care website or adding new content, it’s important to choose keywords that are appropriate, will drive increased traffic, and will improve conversion rates. In order to do this, there are several things that you can do, but we boiled it down to three simple things that you can be mindful of when adding content to your website. By following this guide to choosing keywords for home care websites, you can improve the content you provide, while increasing the traffic that your new content is generating.

Use Google’s Tools to Choose Keywords

Google has a little known feature that allows you to research and track popular keywords. They debuted this feature as the Wonder Wheel, but it now operates as the contextual targeting tool. By using this tool to choose your keywords or keyword phrases, you can figure out what is being searched for most often and write your content accordingly.  Another feature of Google that many people use is their Google Instant feature. When you’re on Google’s home page and you begin to type in a word or phrase, it will provide suggestions based on commonly searched for topics. By using this tool, you can type in a generic word or phrase, and keyword phrases will pop up that are frequently searched for. By using keywords from the suggestions feature or the contextual targeting tool, you can increase traffic by writing about commonly searched for phrases.

Avoid Keywords that are too Broad

Whether it’s a single-word term or a phrase that is too vague, broad keywords or keyword phrases are too competitive to rely on for increased traffic. Because of the high number of companies using SEO and writing on various keywords, it’s important to pick something specific to your business to draw in new visitors. If you pick a broad keyword, you may increase traffic, but without narrowing down your target audience to qualified visitors, a large portion of the visitors to your website may be uninterested in your product or service. It’s also important to make sure that your keyword isn’t too specific. A good keyword will be specific enough to eliminate web searches that are unrelated to your product or service, but it will also be broad enough to make sure that no web searches from visitors that would potentially be interested are eliminated because a keyword or keyword phrase is too specific. Striving for that perfect balance can be difficult, but once you get there, your overall traffic will increase and your conversion rate will improve.

Think like your Customers

By doing your best to think like your customers, you can improve your keywords and keyword phrases. Choosing keywords for home care websites can be difficult if you don’t think like someone that is searching for a home care website. Think about what customers looking for your product would commonly search for. If you’re unsure of what they would search for, conduct a survey of your existing reader-base to get a better idea. By finding out  what your customers commonly search for to find competing products or services online, you can tailor your writing to their commonly searched for words and phrases and generate relevant leads.

Overall, choosing keywords can be one of the trickiest parts of writing content for your website, but if you think like your customers think, choose keywords that are not too broad or too specific, and use free tools that are readily available online, you can quickly become an expert at choosing appropriate keywords and generating new traffic for your website.