Quality Home Care Content: The Fuel in Your Marketing Machine

SEO Building Blocks DefinedEveryone talks a lot about web design, flashy graphics and the latest layouts as the cornerstones of a killer website. Yes, you need top-notch design in order to pique the interest of your target audience. Yes, you want them to instantly see and feel the professionalism your company puts forth.

But you also better have something to back it all up once they start reading, or you risk losing them to the competition. The backbone of a well-designed website is quality content. Without it, you lose all credibility as a home health care provider. Trust is at the heart of what you do. Getting others to trust what you have to offer and view you as the foremost expert in your area begins and ends with compelling content.

Tell a Story

These days, you have to approach your online presence as a way to use storytelling to create compelling experiences that foster human connections, says Smashing Magazine. Those human connections are especially important in your line of work. Home health care, caregiver support and hospice care all have one thing in common: people coming together to help each other through a difficult time. Use that angle to grow trust in your brand, focusing on quality content creation.

Standing out from the Crowd

According to Statistic Brain, there are seven billion searches taking place online every single day. That’s a lot of people looking for services, products and information at any given time. However, it’s no secret that the Internet is a huge space that’s filled with great — and not so great — information. How can you stand apart from everyone else and emerge victorious? How can you catch the attention of your target audience– people who are in a vulnerable place at the moment and need someone to rely on? You show them you’re the expert.

First, you need to hire a web design agency that not only knows about design, graphics, and content, but who caters to your target audience: anyone who serves the elderly and their families. There’s a lot more to quality content that writing well. In fact, you may think you as the company owner can come up with some content to slap on each page and move on. Big mistake. That’s because there’s so much more involved than the writing. You need a professional who can craft compelling quality AND weave SEO keywords, geo tags, and other elements into the prose in order for it to rank with the major search engines.

According to Moz, solid content should meet two main requirements: it must supply a demand and it must be linkable for search engines to find and rank. You may think the main goal of your website is to get people to land there. That’s not enough anymore. You have to find a way to keep them there so that they reach out to you in some way. If visitors see poorly-written content and sloppy prose, they’ll equate that with a lack of professionalism. Your content should be a balanced blend of traditional SEO with targeted keyword usage, as well as content with a strong focus on authority, according to Entrepreneur.

Content Marketing Tips

There are many ways you can shine with quality content to power your marketing machine.

  • Web Pages: Every single page must add value. From the About Us to Services pages, crafting engaging copy that’s short and sweet will go a long way toward establishing your dominance in the field. Incorporate quality content-optimized web pages including main pages as well as helpful guides and case studies to appeal to all knowledge bases. Remember: your demographic is made up largely of the sandwich generation — adults who are taking care of an elderly parent as well as their own children. They likely were the first generation of their families to go to college and are either still engaged in their careers or facing retirement.
  • E-Books: If you feel you’re the leading authority on home health care or hospice, show people that. Write an e-book or hire someone to do it in an effort to illustrate that you know what you’re talking about. It’s informative plus it builds trust with your audience. These days, you can publish your own e-book online without breaking the bank or spending a ton of time.
  • Infographics: In an effort to show growing trends in the home health care industry, it’s wise to display clear statistics, charts and graphs that offer information in digestible pieces.

Contact A Servant’s Heart Web Design and Marketing

If you work with the elderly and their families, we have the targeted services you need to stand out in your field. Call us at (760) 227-2720 and get a free website SEO consultation. Let us help you help others by helping them find you on the web!