It’s Important to Constantly Update Your Home Care Website
Updating your website can be time consuming and tedious, but it’s necessary to regularly update your website. Not only does fresh content engage users and keep them coming back, but it also help you determine what works to attract new visitors. Once you learn the importance of updating your home care website, you’ll then need to find new features and content to add on a regular basis to make sure that your website always has a fresh look.
Updating your Website can Improve Your SEO Ranking
No matter what type of business you’re in, if you participate in online marketing, you know the importance of improving your Search Engine Optimization ranking in order to appear closer to the top in search results. Websites that are built and forgotten tend to fall lower in the rankings, while websites that are updated with fresh content and a new look on a regular basis will give the appearance of active ownership, which can help improve your SEO ranking and continue to drive new traffic to your site. By improving the frequency with which you update your website, you can prove that you are consistently supplying visitors with new information, which will be rewarded with a higher SEO ranking. You can update your website with blog posts, videos, a new page layout, surveys, contests, or any new content that provides valuable information and attracts new visitors.
Updating your Website will Help you Know what Works
With online marketing, it’s important to constantly compare results from updates. By comparing the amount of traffic you get from an updated blog post to the amount of traffic you get from a contest or survey, you can determine where you should focus your time, money, and efforts in order to continue to increase your traffic. Once you know what works and what doesn’t, you can focus on the changes that produce the most benefit, which will help improve your conversion rate, while decreasing the amount of money that you spend on marketing. You can also do A/B testing to see which changes not only bring in the most new visitors, but also convert those visitors to transactions. Check out this fantastic A/B Testing Guide to learn more. This is important because you need to convert new visitors to customers, rather than just get them to visit your website.
Repeat Visitors are More Likely to Make a Purchase
We’ve already established that fresh content is more likely to attract repeat guests than stale content, but it’s also important to note that these repeat visitors are more likely to make a purchase or act on what they see on your website. Once you get your visitor to become a regular guest, they’re more likely to see the value of your content and make a purchase of the product or service that you’re offering. This can lead to a higher conversion rate, higher revenue, and ultimately decreased cost to serve your customers through a lower marketing budget. Visitors want fresh, relevant content, so by constantly updating your website with current information about your product or service, current events, new reviews or videos of your product or service being used, or customer feedback from prior transactions, you can bring your customers back for repeat visits and ultimately repeat transactions.
With the SEO age and web based marketing becoming more and more advanced, it’s important to regularly update and maintain your website. An updated website will help improve your SEO Ranking, can help convert visitors into customers, and can help you figure out which updates work best for bringing in new visitors and increasing your revenue.